

In My Experience (IME) is a national pilot launched by the student city network StudyTrondheim in 2020. Funded together with Helsedirektoratet, it is carried out in collaboration with local students, Sit (the student welfare organization), Trondheim municipality, and NTNU’s research environments. The project is now expanding its national efforts, strengthening partnerships with networks and initiatives that support students. The goal is to reverse the declining trend in young people’s well-being by promoting strong communities and a healthier, more supportive student life.

Since 2020, IME has partnered with networks and stakeholders both locally in Trondheim and nationally, working toward shared goals. The aim is to unite positive forces to reach all students, providing the resources needed for a fulfilling and meaningful student life. "Many stakeholders contribute to improving student lives, especially the students themselves! This gives us hope in answering the question: What makes students thrive, for all students in Norway? Thank you to all our partners for making a positive impact on students and building a health-promoting society!"

- Veronica Skjetlein, Project Leader IME.

The Students

Student organizations and volunteer efforts, both locally and nationally, are central to creating a good everyday life for the students. Students, as experts in their own lives, are key in shaping their daily lives and influencing their peers. IME collaborates with Velferdstinget and Studenttinget in Trondheim, as well as NSO (the National Student Organization), which plays an important role in this work.

The Welfare Organizations

IME partners with welfare organizations across Norway, including Studenter spør, a national service that lowers the threshold for students to ask questions and raise concerns about physical and mental health and their everyday student life.


The national network Kompetansenettverk for studenters suksess i høyere utdanning shares knowledge on how to improve students' success, well-being, and mental health in higher education. Focusing on the learning environment and the structures around education, the network promotes collaboration across sectors, institutions and disciplines, aiming to create greater impact through shared goals and actions.

Research environments

StudyWell at NTNU

is a co-creation project led by NTNU, aimed at improving students' mental health and well-being through service design and relational welfare. The project runs until 2027 and is a partnership involving several faculties and study programs at NTNU, Study Trondheim, the student welfare organization (Sit), and the municipalities of Trondheim and Gjøvik. IME has collaborated with StudyWell to better integrate research with the knowledge and insights from IME. Additionally, service design methodology has played a crucial role in the co-creation process developed by IME; "from student experiences to targeted and preventive interventions together with students."

NTNU Wellfare - Nordid science-center for quality of life and social sustainability

WellFare is a Nordic Research Center for Wellbeing and Social Sustainability at NTNU. WellFare brings together researchers, practitioners, students andrelevant stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines and sectors. WellFare leads transdisciplinary and cutting-edge research to transforming communities and welfare systems towards a fairer, healthier and more socially sustainable future.

The Center’s missions and activities are concentrated on four interlinked spotlight areas on:

1. Well and fair development across the lifespan
2. Transforming policies, economies and societies
3. People-centered and place-based changes
4. Radical and responsible welfare innovations

Project manager

Siri Braarstad was the project leader for IME in the period between 01.08.2020 and 31.03.2023.

Veronica Skjetlein took on the role of project manager for In My Experience on September 1, 2023. She previously served as a strategic advisor at the Studentsamskipnaden in Gjøvik, Ålesund, and Trondheim (Sit). For the past six years, she has worked on creating meaningful student lives and has extensive experience in strategy and development work with both public and private organizations.


Reach out to Veronica by e-mail or at +47 93439777.

IME - In My Experience ©2024

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